This is a self portrait I did for Art 101b. We had to draw ourselves in another artist's style. I chose Roy Lichtenstein. I don't really like it too much. Most of the stuff in this class is either really rushed or I don't like, but I do have a few figure drawings that I like and that I will post soon.
This last Friday I headed over to Disney Studios for Disney Inspire Days. I had heard about other animators in my class that were chosen by lottery to go so I emailed the people in charge and asked to be put on a waiting list. My school, I guess decided to send 10 other people to it and I got to go! : D
I had been sick all week but I REALLY REALLY wanted to go. My mom dropped me off at the gate and I wandered around a while until I found the right building. I was really early so I just looked at all the Mickey stuff. They gave us bagels and then we all went into a panel room. They gave a shout out to all the schools. Everyone was given a goodie bag of Princess and the Frog stickers, PatF journal, a mickey pin, and Principles of animation ruler and a Tangled advertisement. They welcomed us by showing us clips from Tangled. It looks so good! I really can't wait for it! There were panels focused on Good Story, Appealing characters, and a believable world, as well as Intern success stories.During these panels they had representatives from each department of story or character come up and talk about their job. They also had an storyboard thought demonstration and the animator of Dr. Facilier and Piglet talk about animation. He was hilarious! He talked about the original death scene of Ray and how he liked how he animated it, but it was deemed to violent. I didn't see the Believable World panel because I went on the Studio tour at that time. There was visual development of Tangled all over the place. I love Flynn Rider's design! He's personality is so apparent through it! Also I really like how the rigs (3-D animation bones) are being put to the test. There was a scene of him getting hit and it flowed like 2-D animation.
I found out so much about the studio. They are trying to make it much more open so that accidental conversations that lead to inspiration occur and there is even a gym and a game room. I wanted to work for Disney before, but now I really REALLY want to. I need to work very hard to become a better artist! >: D
This is my completed animation assignment for class. We were supposed to do a pixelation combined with hand drawn animation assignment, but it turned into an After Effects project! Now i can start the next assignment which is silhouette stop motion.